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[Systema vs Wave] Apprentice confrontation between “Systema” who is immune to attacks and “Wave” who is absolutely effective [Part 2]

“Apprentice Showdown” sometimes refers to scenes and events in which masters and instructors and their disciples compete with each other in terms of skills and abilities. This is a common element in the world of martial arts and martial arts, and provides an opportunity for apprentices to test the techniques and knowledge they have learned from their masters in actual matches and competitions. Disciple competition is sometimes used as a way of checking the achievements and progress of the master-disciple relationship. The disciples grow while competing with each other in the techniques they have learned from their masters, and the masters can check the quality of their teaching by seeing the results of their disciples.

However, you should be careful when engaging in Disciple Showdowns. The increased competitiveness can lead to injuries and conflicts, so it is important to ensure proper rules and safety measures. Good communication is also important in order to avoid the deterioration of the relationship between master and disciples. Apprentice competitions are not only used to improve and strengthen skills, but are also used as an opportunity to deepen the bond between master and pupil. When doing it as a training, it is important to do it while ensuring safety and having fun.

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