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I got entangled in the paripy group, so I took revenge! !

“Because I was entangled, I will fight back” means that I counterattacked or counterattacked the opponent in a situation where I was in a bad situation or was attacked. This expression is sometimes used to describe a scene in which a counterattack is made against an opponent for self-defense or self-defense. However, in real life, using violence against another person in self-defense can be both legal and ethical. Aggressive behavior should be dealt with in the most appropriate way possible. If your safety is threatened, it is important to seek help from the police or appropriate authorities.

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  1. 【システマvsウエイブ】攻撃が効かない「システマ」と絶対に効く「ウェイブ」弟子対決【後編】

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  5. 【神技】成功率0.001% 大会9連覇の達人が魅せる「抜刀術」が凄過ぎた!!

  6. 【迷惑行為】バス内トラブル!怒号するチンピラを注意したら 絡まれました

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