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具志堅用高(ぐしけん よしたか)は、日本の元プロボクサーであり、現在はボクシング解説者やテレビ番組の司会者としても活動している人物です。具志堅は日本国内外で活躍し、日本のボクシング界を代表する選手の一人とされています。





[Japan’s most defense record] Yoko Gushiken was still amazing! ! [One legendary boxer in 100 years]

Yoshitaka Gushiken is a Japanese former professional boxer who is currently active as a boxing commentator and TV show host. Gushiken is active both in Japan and abroad, and is considered one of the representatives of the Japanese boxing world. Yoko Gushiken was active in weight classes from lightweight to super-lightweight, and won numerous titles. During his professional boxing career, he won the WBA world light flyweight title and fought in many fights.

After retiring from active duty, he has appeared on boxing-related programs as a TV commentator, using his own experience and knowledge to comment on matches. He has also appeared on variety shows, and is doing a wide range of activities using his character and name recognition. Yoko Gushiken is known as the “Emperor of Boxing” for his achievements and influence in the Japanese boxing world.

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  1. 【一台2000万円】バス買いました!坂口拓を「路線バス」で迎えに行くドッキリ企画

  2. 【神技】成功率0.001% 大会9連覇の達人が魅せる「抜刀術」が凄過ぎた!!

  3. 【システマvsウエイブ】攻撃が効かない「システマ」と絶対に効く「ウェイブ」弟子対決【後編】

  4. 【迷惑行為】バス内トラブル!怒号するチンピラを注意したら 絡まれました

  5. 【格闘家vsジークンドーvsウェイブ】”新聞ブチ抜き” 枚数対決!誰が1番破るのか!?

  6. システマの達人から受けた「無呼吸地獄の訓練」がキツ過ぎた..

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