【神技】成功率0.001% 大会9連覇の達人が魅せる「抜刀術」が凄過ぎた!!

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  1. 姿勢と構え: 正しい姿勢と構えが抜刀術の基本です。身体の位置やバランス、刀の持ち方などが効果的な抜刀に影響します。

  2. 速さと正確さ: 抜刀術は速さと正確さが求められます。瞬時に刀を抜き、相手に対して即座に反応することが重要です。

  3. 一気: 「一気に切る」という概念が抜刀術に含まれることがあります。一気に刀を抜き、一気に攻撃を仕掛けることで、相手の備えを崩しやすくします。

  4. 慣れと訓練: 抜刀術は繰り返しの訓練によって磨かれるものです。正しい技術とリズムを身につけるためには、継続的な練習が必要です。



[God Skill] Success rate 0.001% The “Battoujutsu” fascinated by the master who won the tournament nine times in a row was too amazing! !

“Nukitojutsu” is a word that refers to techniques and techniques that effectively draw out a sword and use it immediately. Battōjutsu is treated as part of martial arts and martial arts, and is considered an important element for mastering sword fighting and practical techniques. In Japanese martial arts and ancient martial arts, battojutsu, the ability to quickly draw the sword and attack the enemy, was very important. Battōjutsu techniques include effectively drawing the sword from a holding position, quick attacks, and drawing the sword while under fire from the enemy. Drawing a Japanese sword may include elements such as: Posture and Kamae: Correct posture and stance are the basis of Battōjutsu. The position and balance of the body, the way the sword is held, etc. affect the effective drawing of the sword.

Speed ​​and Accuracy: Battōjutsu requires speed and accuracy. It is important to draw the sword instantly and react immediately to the opponent. Ichiki: The concept of “cutting at once” is sometimes included in battōjutsu. By pulling out the sword in one go and launching an attack all at once, it’s easier to break the opponent’s preparations. Habituation and Training: Battōjutsu is honed through repeated practice. Continuous practice is required to acquire the correct technique and rhythm. Battōjutsu developed based on the characteristics of the Japanese sword and the fighting philosophy of the samurai. Even today, battojutsu has been inherited as a part of Japanese martial arts, and is studied and practiced by martial arts practitioners and enthusiasts.

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  1. パリピー集団に絡まれたので返り討ちにしました!!

  2. 【格闘家vsジークンドーvsウェイブ】”新聞ブチ抜き” 枚数対決!誰が1番破るのか!?

  3. 【ボクシング】アジアヘビー級王者に「ウェイブ」は通用するのか?【小よく大を制す】

  4. 【迷惑行為】バス内トラブル!怒号するチンピラを注意したら 絡まれました

  5. 【一台2000万円】バス買いました!坂口拓を「路線バス」で迎えに行くドッキリ企画

  6. システマの達人から受けた「無呼吸地獄の訓練」がキツ過ぎた..

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