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[Rush of applicants] Taku Sakaguchi sleeps peacefully after the additional announcement! !

“Applicant rush” is an expression that refers to a sudden gathering of a large number of participants and applications for a certain event or project. It is used when a situation arises where many people want to participate or apply, especially in popular contests, job postings, or events. There are times when the number of applicants is higher than expected and the system and processes are overwhelmed. “Applicant flood” is usually used in a positive sense. The fact that people are interested in joining or applying is a sign that the project or event is getting a lot of attention. However, on the other hand, too many applicants may cause system overload or processing capacity problems, and it may be necessary to take countermeasures. This expression is often used by companies when recruiting, and by organizers of contests and events when they welcome large numbers of participants.


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  1. [手首を掴まれた時]坂口拓と戦闘者が教える簡単護身術!!

  2. 【キングダム左慈】坂口拓が教える剣術講座

  3. 【武器調達】坂口 拓のプライベート映像!

  4. テレ朝スタッフが撮影中に坂口拓に奇襲をかけてみた!?【バラエティ番組裏側密着!】

  5. 【スリッパ】映画『キングダム』左慈役 坂口拓がスリッパで戦ったらこうなった!

  6. [コップ] 坂口拓が伝えたいこと!日用品で相手を倒します!

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