ヒカル . 相馬トランジスタに 「暗殺術」教えた結果… 超ドン引きでコラボ中止に..

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑





Hikaru: As a result of teaching Soma Transistor “Assassination Techniques”… the collaboration was canceled due to the extreme pull..

“Collaboration cancellation” means that a “collaboration” (cooperation, cooperation) in which different brands, companies, artists, etc. cooperate to hold joint projects or events was planned, but the implementation is canceled for some reason. I mean The reasons for discontinuing collaborations vary, but include budget issues, scheduling conflicts, image and brand mismatches, and external factors. If a collaboration is cancelled, it is often announced in advance. In general, information may be announced through official websites, social media, press releases, etc. At the time of cancellation, explanations and apologies may be made to the parties and fans involved. While collaborations are useful for improving the image of brands and companies and expanding into new markets, the reality is that they may be canceled due to various factors involved in their realization.


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  1. [ 傘 ] 坂口拓がメリーポピンズの世界に迷い込んだら…

  2. ウェイブマスターって何人いるの?坂口拓の師に聞いてみた!?

  3. [掃除グッズ] 坂口拓が教える日用品での戦い方!

  4. [虫取り網] セミ捕り中に襲われたら!?悪の集団の倒し方!

  5. 【象さんジョウロ】坂口拓の師が使う暗○術が速すぎて見えなかった‼️

  6. 『ジョン・ウイック3』最終オーディションの裏側を坂口拓が語る!

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