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  1. 姿勢と基本動作: 戦闘術の基本は、適切な姿勢や動作を身につけることです。安定感のある姿勢や、攻撃や防御に必要な基本動作をマスターすることが重要です。

  2. 攻撃技術: 攻撃技術は相手にダメージを与えるための技術です。打撃技や蹴り技、投げ技、関節技など、さまざまな方法で攻撃を行うことが含まれます。

  3. 防御技術: 防御技術は、相手の攻撃から身を守る技術です。ブロックや回避、受け身技などがあり、相手の攻撃を効果的にかわすか無力化する能力を養います。

  4. 距離とタイミング: 戦闘術では相手との適切な距離を保ち、攻撃や防御のタイミングを理解することが重要です。距離感やタイミングのコントロールが、効果的な戦闘を可能にします。

考え方と哲学: 戦闘術には単なる技術だけでなく、哲学的な側面も含まれることがあります。

  1. 集中力と制御: 戦闘術は、身体的な技術だけでなく、心の集中力や情熱も重要です。感情をコントロールし、冷静に判断することが求められます。

  2. 尊重と倫理: 多くの戦闘術には、相手への尊重や倫理的な側面が含まれています。相手を傷つけることを最小限に抑え、自己防衛や正当な理由以外での使用は避けることが教えられます。

  3. 継続的な修行: 戦闘術は一度学んだだけでなく、継続的な修行と練習が必要です。技術の向上や洗練は時間と努力がかかります。



[Wave Commentary 1] Taku Sakaguchi’s detailed explanation of the fighting techniques shown in the movie “RE:BORN”!

“Combat art” refers to a system of techniques and techniques for learning and mastering combat and combat techniques. Different cultures, historical backgrounds, and different purposes have different combat techniques. Here we briefly discuss the elements and concepts of general combat arts, but the specific styles and techniques vary widely, and various martial arts and martial arts provide more detail. Basic elements: Posture and Basic Movements: The foundation of combat art is proper posture and movement. It is important to master a stable posture and the basic movements necessary for attack and defense. Attack Techniques: Attack techniques are techniques for inflicting damage on your opponent. It involves attacking in a variety of ways, including striking, kicking, throwing, and grappling. Defensive Techniques: Defensive techniques are techniques that protect you from your opponent’s attacks. There are blocks, evasions, passive techniques, etc., and develop the ability to effectively dodge or neutralize the opponent’s attacks.

Distance and Timing: Maintaining proper distance from your opponent and knowing when to attack and defend are important in the art of combat. Controlling the sense of distance and timing enables effective battles. Thoughts and Philosophy: Martial arts are not just technical, they can also include philosophical aspects. Focus and Control: Combat is not just about physical skill, it’s also about mental focus and passion. You must control your emotions and make calm decisions. Respect and Ethics: Many martial arts have a respectful and ethical dimension. We are taught to minimize harm and avoid using it for self-defense or other than legitimate reasons. Continuous Training: Combat is not just learned once, it requires continuous training and practice. Improving and refining technology takes time and effort. Different cultures and backgrounds have different combat techniques, and in order to understand the characteristics and idiosyncrasies of each, a detailed study of the relevant styles and schools is required.

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  1. [アクション俳優 坂口 拓] 芸能界驚愕!YouTuberに挑戦!

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  5. 【緊急告知】坂口拓からファンの皆様に御報告があります‼️

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