【剣術稽古】坂口拓と師である“戦闘者 稲川義貴”との鍛錬動画!

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑




  1. 目標設定: 鍛錬の始まりは目標の設定です。具体的な目標を設定することで、どのような能力やスキルを向上させるかを明確にし、効果的なトレーニングプランを立てることができます。

  2. 継続と努力: 鍛錬は一度の努力だけでは十分な成果を得ることが難しい場合があります。継続的な努力と訓練が必要であり、スキルや能力を向上させるためにはじっくりと取り組むことが大切です。

  3. 計画とトレーニング: 鍛錬には計画的なトレーニングが必要です。専門家の指導や適切な方法を学び、段階的にトレーニングを進めることで、効果的な成果を得ることができます。


  1. 成長と向上: 鍛錬を通じて、自己のスキルや能力を向上させることができます。新しいことを学び、技術を磨くことで成長を実感できます。

  2. 克服と自信: 鍛錬は挑戦や困難を克服する力を養う手段です。困難を乗り越えることで自信を深め、自分自身に対する信頼感を得ることができます。

  3. 専念と集中力: 鍛錬は専念と集中力を養うことにつながります。一つの目標に向けて努力することで、集中力が高まります。

  4. 自己満足と達成感: 目標を達成し、成果を得ることで達成感や自己満足感を味わうことができます。



[Swordsmanship practice] A training video with Taku Sakaguchi and his teacher, “Fighter Yoshitaka Inagawa”!

“Discipline” refers to self-improvement through discipline and training. It involves continuous effort and training to develop physical, mental and technical skills and abilities. Training takes place in various areas such as sports, arts, martial arts, occupations, and character building. Below are more details about the common elements and implications of discipline. element: Goal setting: The first step in training is goal setting. By setting specific goals, you can clarify what abilities and skills you want to improve and create an effective training plan. Continuity and Effort: It can be difficult to get enough results in a single effort. It requires continuous effort and training, and it’s important to take your time to improve your skills and abilities. Planning and Training: Discipline requires planned training. You can get effective results by learning expert guidance, proper methods, and step-by-step training.

significance: Grow and Improve: Through discipline, you can improve your skills and abilities. You can experience growth by learning new things and polishing your skills. Overcoming and Confidence: Discipline is a means of developing strength to overcome challenges and difficulties. Overcoming challenges builds self-confidence and gives you confidence in yourself. Dedication and Focus: Discipline helps develop dedication and focus. Focusing on one goal will help you focus. Self-satisfaction and accomplishment: Achieving goals and getting results can give you a sense of accomplishment and self-satisfaction. Training takes many forms, depending on individual goals and interests. Many people seek personal growth and improvement through physical training, learning, practicing the arts, and improving their professional skills.


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  1. [美顔ローラー] 坂口拓が教える日用品での戦い方!女性必見!

  2. 【カランビットの使い方】映画『RE:BORN』で魅せた坂口拓が教える暗○術!

  3. [スマートフォン] 坂口 拓のスマホで倒しただけなのに!

  4. [ 顔 ] 破壊力抜群!!坂口 拓が顔で倒します!?

  5. [身の守り方] 坂口拓と戦闘者が真面目に教える“武装解除”大事な人の守り方

  6. 【馬乗りから逃げ方】女性に覚えて欲しい坂口拓と戦闘者が教える簡単護身術!!

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