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ソニックブーム(Sonic Boom)は、音速を超える速度で物体が移動する際に生じる音響現象を指します。この現象は、物体が音速(約1,225キロメートル/時、約343メートル/秒)を超える速度で進むと、周囲の空気が圧縮され、その圧縮波が物体の後方に広がることによって発生します。





[Shockwave] I tried to put out a “sonic boom” that exceeds the speed of sound with a 3m “whip” given to me by a Russian! part③

Sonic boom refers to the acoustic phenomenon that occurs when an object moves faster than the speed of sound. This phenomenon occurs when an object travels at a speed exceeding the speed of sound (approximately 1,225 kilometers per hour, approximately 343 meters per second), the surrounding air is compressed, and the resulting compression wave spreads behind the object. When a sonic boom occurs, a compression wave gathers in front of an object that exceeds the speed of sound, and a decompression wave spreads behind it. This results in sudden pressure changes and a loud audible sound to the ear. In practice, this sound is known as a shock wave and is characterized by a loud, explosive sound.

Sonic booms also occur when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound. When fighter planes and spacecraft flying at high speed exceed the speed of sound, a sonic boom like an explosion may reach the ground. For this reason, it is sometimes required to control the aircraft so that it does not exceed the speed of sound at a certain altitude. In general, a sonic boom is a phenomenon that occurs when sound travels faster than the speed of sound, and because it accompanies particularly large acoustic energy, when an object is at a low altitude and exceeds the speed of sound, it can affect the surrounding environment and people. there is.

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