【ウェイブvs格闘技】”朝倉 海”の弟子との戦いをウェイブ創始者に見せてみた!!PART①

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ウェイブ(Wave): ウェイブは、架空の戦闘スタイルや技術を指す言葉で、一般的な格闘技とは異なるアクションや動きを持つことがあります。ウェイブは、映画やアニメなどのフィクション作品で見られることが多く、リアルな格闘技術とは異なる要素やスタイリッシュなアクションが特徴です。


  • 劇中でのスタイリッシュな動きやアクションが強調されることが多い。
  • リアルな物理法則に縛られず、超人的な能力や技術が描かれることがある。
  • キャラクターの個性や背景に合わせて多彩な技が使われる。

格闘技: 格闘技は、実在する戦闘スタイルや技術を指します。これは現実の戦闘やスポーツで使用される技術であり、異なる文化や歴史に基づくさまざまなスタイルが存在します。柔道、空手、キックボクシング、柔術など、さまざまな格闘技があります。


  • リアルな身体的制限や物理法則に基づいている。
  • 技術や戦術は継承され、長い歴史や伝統を持つ。
  • スポーツや実戦で使用されるため、技の効果や実用性が重要視される。



[Wave vs Martial Arts] I tried to show the founder of Wave the fight with the apprentice of “Asakura Umi”! ! PART ①

Wave and martial arts are different areas of skill and technique. The differences between the two and their respective features are explained below. Wave: Wave is a term used to refer to fictional fighting styles and techniques that may have actions and movements that differ from common martial arts. Wave is often seen in fictional works such as movies and anime, and is characterized by elements and stylish actions that are different from realistic fighting techniques. Wave features include: Stylish movements and actions in the play are often emphasized. Superhuman abilities and techniques are sometimes depicted without being bound by realistic laws of physics. Various techniques are used according to the personality and background of the character.

Martial Arts: Martial arts refer to real-world fighting styles and techniques. It’s a technique used in real-world combat and sports, and there are many different styles based on different cultures and histories. There are various martial arts such as Judo, Karate, Kickboxing, Jiu Jitsu. Martial arts features include: Based on real physical limitations and physics. Techniques and tactics have been inherited and have a long history and tradition. Because it is used in sports and in actual combat, the effectiveness and practicality of the technique are emphasized. Wave and martial arts exist in different contexts and purposes. Wave has the element of enjoying stylish combat in a fictional world, while martial arts aims to learn actual physical techniques and tactics and use them in actual battles and sports.

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