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- ほうきとちりとり: 床や畳を掃除するために使われる基本的なアイテム。ほうきでゴミを掃き、ちりとりで取り除きます。
- 掃除機: 床やカーペットの掃除に使用される電動機器。異なるタイプや機能の掃除機があります。
- モップとバケツ: 床を拭くために使用されるモップと水を入れるバケツ。湿拭きや乾拭きに使われます。
- クリーニングクロスやスポンジ: 食器や家具などを拭くためのクロスやスポンジ。汚れを落とすために使います。
- グローブ: 手を保護しながら掃除を行うための手袋。特に水仕事や洗剤を使用する際に役立ちます。
- ゴミ袋: ごみを収集するための袋。さまざまなサイズやタイプがあります。
- クリーナー剤: ガラスや床、キッチン、トイレなどの部分をきれいにするための洗剤やクリーナー。
- ブラシ類: 隙間や細かい箇所の掃除に使うブラシ。歯ブラシ型の小さなブラシもあります。
- 革命的な掃除機: ロボット掃除機や自動掃除機など、最新の技術を活用した自動化された掃除機器。
[Cleaning supplies] How does Taku Sakaguchi, who plays Zuoji in the movie “Kingdom”, clean up? ?
Cleaning supplies refer to tools and supplies used to keep environments such as homes and offices clean. Proper use of cleaning products can help maintain a sanitary environment and create a comfortable living and working space. Below are some common cleaning supplies. Broom and Dustpan: Basic items used for cleaning floors and tatami mats. Sweep the debris with a broom and remove it with a dustpan. Vacuum Cleaner: A motorized device used to clean floors and carpets. There are vacuum cleaners of different types and functions. Mop and Bucket: A mop and a bucket of water used to mop floors. It is used for wet and dry wiping. Cleaning cloths and sponges: Cloths and sponges for wiping dishes, furniture, etc. Used to remove dirt.
Gloves: Gloves to protect your hands while cleaning. Especially useful when working with water or using detergents. Garbage bag: A bag for collecting garbage. They come in different sizes and types. Cleaners: Detergents and cleaners for cleaning areas such as glass, floors, kitchens, and toilets. Brushes: Brushes used for cleaning crevices and small areas. There is also a small toothbrush-shaped brush. Revolutionary Vacuums: Automated vacuums that utilize the latest technology, such as robot vacuums and automatic vacuums. These cleaning products are essential items for cleaning your home or workplace. It is used to maintain comfort and health by keeping the environment clean and to realize a beautiful space.