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- 飲酒は、適量であれば社交的な場面やリラックス効果をもたらすことがありますが、過剰摂取や依存症など、健康への悪影響もあります。
- 運転中の飲酒は交通事故の原因となるため、飲酒運転は法的にも社会的にも厳しく制限されています。
- 長期的な過度の飲酒は、肝臓の損傷、心臓病、がんなどのリスクを増加させる可能性があります。
- タバコの喫煙は、健康へのリスクを高める主な原因の一つとされており、がん、心臓病、呼吸器系の疾患などを引き起こす可能性があります。
- パッシブ・スモーキング(受動喫煙)も健康への悪影響をもたらすため、自身だけでなく周囲の人々にも影響を及ぼします。
- 多くの国や地域で公共の場所での喫煙が制限されており、喫煙者と非喫煙者の調和を保つために努力されています。
[Training is alcohol and tobacco! ? ] What is the reason why you dare to create bad conditions! ? Taku Sakaguchi will answer!
Liquor (alcohol) and tobacco (tobacco) are controversial factors that draw attention to their health effects and social aspects. Each aspect is explained below. Sake (alcohol): Drinking alcohol in moderation can be social and relaxing, but it also has negative health effects, such as overdose and addiction. Drunk driving is strictly prohibited both legally and socially, as drinking alcohol while driving can cause traffic accidents. Long-term heavy drinking can increase your risk of liver damage, heart disease, cancer, and more. Tobacco (tobacco):
Tobacco smoking is one of the leading causes of increased health risks and can lead to cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease. Passive smoking also has negative health effects, affecting not only you but those around you. Many countries and territories have restricted smoking in public places and strive to achieve harmony between smokers and non-smokers. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco requires personal self-control and consideration for those around you. It is important to keep the intake in appropriate amounts and moderation, and to be careful not to disturb the people around you. Consideration of health and social harmony requires careful judgment in making individual choices.