[カスタネット] 映画「キングダム」左慈役 坂口拓が教える!カスタネットのスゴ技!

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑



  1. リズムを加える: カスタネットは手で叩くことで特有の音が出るため、楽曲や演奏にリズムを加える効果があります。特にダンスやリズムパフォーマンスで活用されます。
  2. 手拍子との組み合わせ: カスタネットを使いながら手拍子を合わせることで、音楽のリズム感を強調することができます。
  3. 音楽のアクセント: カスタネットの音色は特徴的で、楽曲や演奏にアクセントを付ける役割を果たします。
  4. パフォーマンス: フラメンコやスペインの伝統的な舞踏でカスタネットを演奏することで、音楽と舞踏を組み合わせたパフォーマンスが行われます。


[Castanet] Taku Sakaguchi, who plays the role of Zuoji in the movie “Kingdom”, teaches! Castanet’s amazing technique!

A castanet is a musical instrument that produces sound by striking it with the hand, and is a tool mainly used for playing rhythm and music. A castanet has two shell-like parts connected by a shaft, and sounds are produced by hitting or rubbing them with the palm of the hand. It is often used in Spanish and other traditional music and dance, and is especially known for flamenco music. Castanets have the following roles and characteristics in the performance of rhythm and music. Adding Rhythm: Castanets produce a unique sound when struck by the hand, and are effective in adding rhythm to music and performances. It is especially used in dance and rhythm performances.

Combination with hand clapping: By using castanets and hand clapping, you can emphasize the rhythm of the music. Musical Accents: The castanets have a distinctive timbre and play a role in accenting a piece or performance. Performance: A performance that combines music and dance by playing castanets in flamenco and traditional Spanish dances. Castanets are used not only in music but also in stage performances such as theater and dance, and their unique tone and sense of rhythm are attractive.

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  1. 【緊急告知】坂口拓からファンの皆様に御報告があります‼️

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  6. [ガムテープ]坂口拓がガムテープでの拘束術を教えます!

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