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ビール: 大麦やホップを原料とし、発酵させたもの。多くの国でポピュラーな飲み物で、アルコール度数は比較的低い。
ワイン: 葡萄を原料として発酵させたもの。赤ワインと白ワインがあり、風味やアロマが異なります。アルコール度数は一般的に中程度。
ウイスキー: 大麦やトウモロコシなどの穀物を原料にして蒸留し熟成させたもの。アルコール度数は高く、個々の地域によって異なるスタイルがあります。
焼酎: 日本や一部のアジア諸国で作られる蒸留酒。さまざまな原料(芋、麦、米など)から作られ、アルコール度数は低めから高めまでさまざまです。
ウォッカ: ポテトや穀物から作られるクリアな蒸留酒。ロシアや東ヨーロッパを代表するお酒で、無色透明で中程度から高いアルコール度数を持つことが多い。
We asked Yusuke Yachi, who is about to play, what he said about NGs due to the power of alcohol! !
“Sake” is a general term for any drink that contains alcohol. Alcohol (ethanol) is made by processes such as fermentation and distillation and is found in many beverages. Alcohol can be consumed socially or as part of amusement, but it should be consumed in moderation and with caution. The main varieties and types include: Beer: A fermented beer made from barley and hops. A popular drink in many countries, it has a relatively low alcohol content. Wine: Made from fermented grapes. There are red and white wines, with different flavors and aromas. Alcohol content is generally moderate. Whiskey: Distilled and aged from grains such as barley and corn. The alcohol content is high, and there are different styles depending on the individual region.
Shochu: Distilled liquor made in Japan and some Asian countries. It is made from a variety of raw materials (potatoes, barley, rice, etc.) and varies in alcohol content from low to high. Vodka: A clear spirit made from potatoes and grains. A representative liquor of Russia and Eastern Europe, it is often colorless and transparent and has a medium to high alcohol content. Drinking alcohol in moderation is important, and drunk driving and excessive drinking may adversely affect your health and safety. Minors, pregnant women, and people with certain health conditions should also refrain from drinking alcohol or follow their doctor’s advice. It’s important to enjoy yourself within an appropriate range, but it’s important to consider your health and safety.