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  1. バックキック: 通常の正面からの蹴りとは逆方向に向かって行うキックです。相手が後ろを向いている際に意外な攻撃を仕掛けるために使用されます。

  2. フェイント蹴り: 一度蹴る動作を見せかけて、実際には蹴らないで別の動作に移ることで、相手の予測を狂わせる技法です。

  3. 斜め蹴り: 斜め方向からの蹴りで、相手の側面や斜め後ろに攻撃を仕掛けることができます。通常の正面からの蹴りとは異なる角度から攻撃する効果があります。

  4. 低い位置からの蹴り: 地面に近い位置から蹴りを仕掛けることで、相手の防御の隙間を突くことができます。

  5. ジャンピング蹴り: 跳び上がって蹴ることで、相手の防御を乱しやすくします。高い位置からの攻撃で相手の防御を避けることができます。



[Strongest] The “irregular kick” of a beautiful actress who uses waves was too amazing! !

“Irregular kicks” refer to kicks that are performed at different shapes and angles than normal kicks. Irregular kicks are sometimes used to attack the opponent from unexpected movements or angles. By performing kicks from various angles and postures, you can surprise your opponent and expand the range of your attacks. Here are some examples: Back Kick: A kick that is done in the opposite direction to a normal kick from the front. Used to launch a surprise attack when the opponent is facing backwards. Feint Kicking: A technique that derails the opponent’s predictions by pretending to kick once and moving on to another movement without actually kicking.

Diagonal Kick: A diagonal kick that can be used to attack the opponent’s side or diagonally behind. It has the effect of attacking from a different angle than a normal kick from the front. Low Kicks: Kicks close to the ground to poke gaps in your opponent’s defenses. Jumping Kick: Jumps up and kicks, making it easier to disrupt the opponent’s defense. You can avoid the opponent’s defense by attacking from a high position. Irregular kicking is an effective technique to upset the opponent’s predictions, but it requires accurate timing and the ability to maintain balance. Through proper training and practice, you will be able to perform a wide variety of attacks by mastering irregular kicks.

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