秒殺KO侍 “昇侍 SHOJI と本気で殴り合ったら「親友」になりました!!

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑



  1. 信頼: 親友同士は、お互いの秘密や感情を打ち明けることができる信頼関係を築いています。信頼できる存在として互いを受け入れます。

  2. 支え合い: 困難な状況や挑戦に立ち向かう際、親友は助け合い、支え合うことができる。経験やアドバイスを共有することで、お互いをサポートします。

  3. 共感: 親友同士は、お互いの感情や立場を理解し、共感することができます。喜びや悲しみを分かち合い、共に感じることができる関係です。

  4. 長い付き合い: 親友との関係は、時間をかけて築かれることが多いです。長い間一緒に過ごし、共に成長してきた経験が関係を深めます。

  5. 思いやり: 親友同士はお互いの幸福を願い、努力しています。相手の幸せを優先する思いやりがあります。



Second kill samurai “Noboru samurai” After a serious fistfight with SHOJI, we became “best friends”! !

A close friend is a term that refers to a friend with whom you have a very close relationship. Best friends are special people who trust each other, share emotions and experiences, and support each other in difficult situations. A best friend relationship is a friendship that develops into a deeper bond and trust. Best Friend traits include: Trust: Best friends have a relationship of trust that allows them to confide in each other’s secrets and feelings. Accept each other as trustworthy. Supportive: Best friends can help and support each other when facing difficult situations and challenges. Support each other by sharing experiences and advice.

Empathy: Best friends can understand and empathize with each other’s feelings and positions. It is a relationship where you can share and feel joy and sorrow together. Long-term relationships: Relationships with best friends are often built over time. The experience of spending time together and growing together deepens the relationship. Compassion: Best friends wish and strive for each other’s well-being. There is a compassion that prioritizes the happiness of the other person. Everyone’s relationship with their best friend is different, but building deep friendships is one way to build rich relationships. Best friends are treasured as special people who can laugh, cry, and support each other in various moments of life.

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  1. 【朝倉海vs石井東吾】ジークンドーvsウェイブ「一升瓶」底ブチ抜き対決!!

  2. 【噛み技】”禁止技”で 完全OUT!噛めば一撃の急所とは!!

  3. とにかく親孝行がしたい!”お母さん” 今までありがとう!!

  4. 【ジークンドーvsウェイブ】「石井東吾」「坂口拓」の弟子対決!『ガチで戦ったら』どちらが強い?!

  5. 【目突き金的あり】30秒間 “伝説の空手家”「浅井一族」の超速の攻撃を防御してみた!!

  6. 【最強】ウェイブ使いの美人女優の”変則蹴り”がスゴ過ぎた!!

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