取材中の「坂口拓」に “極真空手の黒帯” が襲いかかってみた!!【ドッキリ企画】

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑



  1. 段位制度: 極真空手は、段位制度を採用しています。段位とは、空手の腕前や技術を評価するためのランクを示すものです。黒帯は、段位制度の中で最も高いランクを意味し、黒帯を取得するには多くの修行とトレーニングが必要です。

  2. 黒帯の意義: 黒帯は、極真空手において初めて師範(先生)としての指導が許される段階を示します。黒帯取得者は、自分の技術や経験を後輩や新入生に伝え、指導者としての責任を担うことになります。

  3. 黒帯取得のプロセス: 極真空手での黒帯取得には、基本的な技術の習得、型(カタ)の修行、組手(スパーリング)の実践、体力や精神力の鍛錬などが含まれます。段位昇級試験を受けて、審査員から技術や精神面での成長が認められることが条件です。

  4. 指導者としての役割: 黒帯取得者は、道場での指導や後輩の育成、稽古の進行など、指導者としての責任を果たします。このため、技術だけでなくリーダーシップや教育のスキルも求められます。



“Kyokushin Karate black belt” attacked “Taku Sakaguchi” during the interview! ! [Surprising plan]

Kyokushin Karate is one of the schools of karate and one of the styles of karate. Kyokushin Karate is characterized by strong striking techniques and sparring (kumite) and is known for its disciplined training and strong spirit. A black belt in Kyokushin Karate is a goal to be reached through training in this style, which has advanced technique and mental strength. Information about black belts in Kyokushin Karate: Rank system: Kyokushin Karate adopts a rank system. Dan is a rank used to evaluate karate prowess and techniques. A black belt means the highest rank in the dan system, and it takes a lot of practice and training to get a black belt. Significance of a black belt: A black belt marks the first stage in Kyokushin Karate where one is allowed to teach as a teacher. Black belt holders are responsible for passing on their skills and experiences to juniors and new students and as instructors.

Black Belt Acquisition Process: Acquiring a black belt in Kyokushin Karate includes learning basic techniques, practicing Kata, practicing Kumite (sparring), and training physical and mental strength. increase. The condition is that you must take the rank promotion test and be recognized by the judges for your technical and mental growth. Role as an Instructor: Black belt holders fulfill their responsibilities as an instructor, such as teaching in the dojo, nurturing juniors, and proceeding with training. This requires leadership and teaching skills as well as technical skills. A black belt in Kyokushin Karate is an important rank that symbolizes the spirit and high level of technique of the school. After a long period of training and hard work, black belt holders demonstrate their skills and values ​​to other karateka and dojo members.

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