【特報❺】狂武蔵 誕生秘話!当初は10分ワンカット “77分ワンシーンワンカット”になった理由!?

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑




  1. リアルタイム感: 視聴者はシーンが一つのカットで進行するため、まるでその場にいるかのようなリアルタイム感を味わうことができます。

  2. 臨場感: アクションシーンや対話の場面など、登場人物たちの感情や動きがダイレクトに伝わり、臨場感が高まります。

  3. 演技力の試金石: ワンシーンワンカットでは長いシーンが続くため、俳優たちの長時間にわたる演技力が要求されます。

  4. 撮影の難しさ: 撮影中にカメラや照明の配置を変えることができないため、撮影の計画と緻密な調整が必要です。



[Special News ❺] Mad Musashi birth secret story! The reason why it was originally 10 minutes one cut “77 minutes one scene one cut”! ?

“One scene one cut” refers to the method of continuously shooting one scene with one camera in video works such as movies and TV dramas. In other words, it means that the entire scene is expressed in one cut. This technique is used to make the events and drama in the scene appear to unfold in real time. Viewers will continue to watch only from one camera angle without switching images. This method is suitable for effectively conveying powerful performances and dynamic actions. Features of “one scene one cut” include: Real-time feeling: Viewers can enjoy the real-time feeling as if they were there because the scene progresses in one cut.

Realism: The emotions and movements of the characters, such as action scenes and dialogue scenes, are directly conveyed, increasing the realism. The Touchstone of Acting Skills: One-shot-one-shot requires long scenes from the actors to perform for a long period of time. Shooting Difficulty: Shooting requires planning and fine-tuning because you can’t change the placement of the camera or lighting during the shoot. This technique is sometimes used in movies and TV dramas to emphasize a particular scene or scene. Works with refined acting, directing, and shooting techniques can give viewers a powerful and moving impression.

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  1. 鞭(むち)を使った 零距離戦闘術!【超高速】女性も出来る破壊力抜群の攻撃とは!?

  2. “石井東吾先生”が「瞬殺で3人を倒す戦い方を教えます!!【ジークンドーマスター】

  3. 取材中の「坂口拓」に “極真空手の黒帯” が襲いかかってみた!!【ドッキリ企画】

  4. “元陸自特殊部隊”の戦士に民間人が絶対に聞けない話を聞きました!!【YouTube業界初】

  5. 大御所 ” 山田邦子大先輩 “に芸能界の「裏側」を聞いてみた!?「パ○ズリ」の考案者 “女性芸人道vsアクション道”のレジェンド対決!!

  6. ダレノガレ明美を強くしてみた!!

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