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  1. 運動能力: 体を適切に動かす能力です。速さ、敏捷性、反応速度、コーディネーションなどが含まれます。運動能力が高いと、スポーツやフィジカルアクティビティでのパフォーマンスが向上します。

  2. 筋力: 筋肉の収縮力や負荷に対する耐性を指します。筋力があると、持ち上げる、押す、引くなどの動作が容易になります。

  3. 持久力: 長時間にわたって活動を続ける能力です。持久力があると、長距離走や長時間の運動などで疲れにくくなります。

  4. 柔軟性: 関節や筋肉が適切に伸び縮みする能力です。柔軟性があると、ケガの予防や効果的な運動が可能になります。

  5. バランス感覚: 身体の安定性を保つ能力です。バランス感覚が高いと、立っている際や運動中に安定感を維持しやすくなります。

  6. 心肺持久力: 心臓と肺の働きに関連する持久力です。有酸素運動によって心肺持久力が向上し、体力の向上や健康促進に貢献します。



[King of Beasts] I tried to teach “Wave Punch” to physical ability monster “Takei So”! !

“Physical ability” refers to abilities and characteristics related to various aspects of the human body. This includes athletic ability, strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Physical performance is an important factor that influences many aspects of health, fitness, sports and the ability to perform activities. Here are some key aspects of physical performance: Athletic ability: the ability to move the body properly. It includes speed, agility, reaction speed, coordination, and more. Higher fitness improves performance in sports and physical activities. Strength: It refers to the force of muscle contraction and resistance to load. Muscle strength makes lifting, pushing, and pulling easier. Endurance: The ability to stay active for long periods of time. If you have endurance, you will be less likely to get tired when running long distances or exercising for long periods of time.

Flexibility: The ability of joints and muscles to stretch and contract properly. Flexibility helps prevent injury and allows for effective exercise. Balance: The ability to keep the body stable. A good sense of balance makes it easier to maintain stability while standing or exercising. Cardiopulmonary Endurance: Endurance related to the work of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise improves cardiopulmonary endurance and contributes to improving physical strength and promoting health. These physical abilities are taken into consideration when tailoring training and activities according to individual lifestyle and goals. Improving balance and physical performance is important not only for maintaining health and fitness, but also for enjoying sports and activities.

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  1. 【特報❹】開始5分で指が折れた「77分ワンカット」”究極のリアルアクション剣劇” 『狂武蔵』メイキング映像!!

  2. アンチよ見よ!これが100%のウェイブパンチ!!【1番やばいのいっちゃいます!】

  3. 朝倉海 ウェイブパンチでKO宣言!!映画『狂武蔵』完成披露イベント “完全ノーカット版”

  4. “ジークンドーマスター “『石井東吾』と戦ってみた!!

  5. 【キングダム】騰(とう)将軍に教える”左慈の剣術講座”!!(要潤登場!)

  6. “大衆演劇界の有名俳優” にセンス術を教わってみた!!

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