シャベル(円匙)を使った”零距離戦闘術” 映画の為に体得したい暗殺術とは!?

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  • 形状: 円匙は、金属製の円形のプレートであり、一方には突起がついています。突起は、敵の攻撃を受け止めたり、攻撃する際に使用します。

  • 用途: 円匙は、防具を着用した相手に対して攻撃を行うために使われました。突起を使って敵の装備を引っ掻いたり、攻撃したりすることができます。また、円匙を手に持って殴打することもありました。

  • 隠し武器としての使用: 忍者は円匙を隠し武器として使用することもありました。手甲の内側に円匙を隠し、必要な時に取り出して使用することができました。



“Zero-distance combat technique” using a shovel (circle spoon) What is the assassination technique you want to master for the movie! ?

“Ennomasa” is one of the weapons used in Japanese martial arts and martial arts. Ensaji means that the shape is circular because “en” means “circle” and “masa” is also written as “true” and is also translated as “true circle”. The round spoon is a weapon that is mainly attached to the back of the hand and is said to have been used by samurai and ninja. Yen spoon mainly has the following characteristics: Shape: A round spoon is a circular plate made of metal with a protrusion on one side. Protrusions are used to intercept and attack enemy attacks. Usage: The round spoon was used to carry out attacks against armored opponents. You can use your prongs to scratch your opponent’s equipment or attack them. There were also times when he would hold a round spoon in his hand and beat him.

Use as a Concealed Weapon: Ninjas sometimes used the ensaji as a concealed weapon. The spoon was hidden inside the back of the hand and could be retrieved and used when needed. Ensaji is one of the weapons used in combat as part of the history of Japanese martial arts and martial arts. Techniques and tactics using the ensaji have been passed down in specific martial arts schools and traditions. However, combat techniques using the ensaji are not widely known, and information on its usage and techniques is sometimes limited.

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