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小説の場合: 小説の原作者は、ストーリーの骨子や登場人物、世界観を創造します。映画化やドラマ化など、他のメディアに移植されることもあります。
漫画の場合: 漫画の原作者は、漫画のストーリーを考え、キャラクターのデザインやセリフを提供します。漫画家がこれをもとに作品を描き上げます。
映画やテレビドラマの場合: 映画やドラマの原作者は、物語のアイデアやプロットを考え、脚本家や監督がそれを基に映像化します。
ゲームの場合: ゲームの原作者は、ゲームのストーリーやキャラクター、ゲームプレイのコンセプトなどを考案します。プログラマーやデザイナーがそれを具体化します。
[Gedo no Uta] Taku Sakaguchi goes on a rampage at the home of the original author “Daisuke Watanabe”! ! Infiltrate the atelier of a super-selling cartoonist!
“Original author” refers to the person who created the original story or idea for a work (novel, comic, film, etc.). The original author devises the basic plot, characters, worldview, etc. of the work, and plays the role of developing it later in the production process. Below are some examples: For novels: Novel authors create the framework, characters, and world of the story. Sometimes it is ported to other media such as movie and drama adaptation. For Manga: Manga authors come up with stories for comics and provide character designs and dialogue. A cartoonist draws a work based on this.
For movies and TV dramas: Authors of movies and dramas come up with story ideas and plots, which are then adapted by screenwriters and directors. For games: Game authors come up with the game’s story, characters, and gameplay concepts. Programmers and designers flesh it out. The original author’s role begins with providing the basic idea of the work, and may also provide consultation and opinions during the subsequent production process. The direction of the work, the feelings of the characters, the background settings, etc. are often based on the original author’s vision. However, later in the production process, screenwriters, manga artists, film directors, game designers, etc. will add their own ideas based on the original work to form the work concretely.