攻撃力が増す” 肩甲骨と股関節の使い方【坂口拓のウェイブ講座】

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Attack power increases” How to use shoulder blades and hip joints [Taku Sakaguchi’s wave course]

“Increased attack power” is an expression generally used in the context of games and fantasy, and refers to the character or player’s attack ability being improved or becoming more powerful. This means that the in-game character’s attacks will be more effective at defeating enemies. In games and fantasy worlds, it is common to express character abilities numerically. Attack power is one of them, and it is usually quantified and can be increased or decreased depending on equipment, skills, special items, etc. By increasing the attack power, it is expected that the speed of defeating enemies will be faster and the progress in the game will be smoother.

This expression is used not only in games, but also in general conversation. It can also be used in competitions and activities, for example, increasing the team’s offensive power in a sports match increases the chances of winning. However, this expression only makes sense within the framework of fiction and games, and should be used with caution in real, everyday conversations.

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  1. 絶対にテレビで見れない”映画で見せたリアル暗殺術”を解説します!!

  2. ラスボス「左慈」を演じた坂口拓が “キングダムの裏側” を全部話します!!

  3. 銃弾避け” 実演と解説!!本当に出来るのか?!【絶対に真似るな危険!】

  4. 【外道の歌】原作者 “渡邊ダイスケ” の自宅で坂口拓が大暴れ!!超売れっ子漫画家のアトリエに潜入!

  5. 戦劇者が魅せる究極の戦闘術とは?! “アベンジャーズ”のプロデューサーに送る坂口拓の暗殺術!!

  6. 【外出自粛中】”不法侵入者”に襲われた時の倒し方!!

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