
↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑





[Recording, Sakaguchi close contact 23 hours! ! ] Wire action! It was too dangerous to be in close contact with Taku Sakaguchi! !

“Close contact” refers to observing, photographing, and reporting on a certain subject or theme from a short distance. This term is used to describe the act of going deep into a specific event, person, place, etc., and collecting detailed information and images. It is mainly used in journalism, documentary production, news programs, reality shows, and movies. For example, close coverage of a TV program closely approaches the daily life, activities, and events of a specific person or group, and captures the real situation. Also, in the production of documentary films, close coverage is used, and real situations are sometimes conveyed through images that penetrate deeply into the subject. Engagement varies in approach and method depending on the subject, but the goal is to bring viewers and readers a more immersive experience through deep insight, information and empathy.


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  1. 【一触即発】坂口拓アンチと対決!!

  2. 【零距離戦闘術×クラヴマガ】坂口拓との近距離戦闘術対決!

  3. テレビ撮影本番中 背後から襲い掛かったら怪我をした!【ウエイブ講座】

  4. 戦闘界に実在するチャレンジコインって何?!誰が貰えて、渡し方などあるの?!坂口拓の師に聞いてみた!!【映画の様なホントの話】

  5. 【超有名写真家】高橋優也の撮影裏に密着!?坂口拓が大変身!!

  6. いつも着ている戦闘服を解説します!メーカーは?買えるの?値段は?【軍事用一点物】

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