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How would Taku Sakaguchi react if he attacked “Soma Transistor” many times in a day? !
“Response” refers to changes in behavior and emotions that occur in response to external stimuli. Humans and animals may respond in various ways to information and stimuli from the environment. Responses involve many factors, voluntary, involuntary, physical, and psychological. These are physical reactions, such as jumping up in surprise at an external sound, withdrawing your hand in pain, or smiling at a pleasant event. There are also emotional reactions, such as feeling joyful at hearing good news and sadness at bad events. There are individual differences in reactions, and different people may react differently to the same stimulus. In addition, reactions may vary depending on culture and environment. Fields such as psychology and neuroscience study the mechanisms of response and the neural processes behind them. Also, learning how to respond appropriately to stress and stimuli can help you have a healthier response.