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特徴: カランビットは、次のような特徴を持っています。

  1. 曲がった刃: カランビットの最も顕著な特徴は、曲がった刃です。これによって、効果的な切り付けや刺し付けが可能です。

  2. リング型の持ち手: カランビットの持ち手は、指を通すためのリング型になっています。このリングを指に通して握ることで、ナイフが手から滑りにくくなり、刃をより効果的に操作できます。

  3. 短剣またはナイフのサイズ: カランビットは短剣またはナイフのサイズであり、携帯や使いやすさに適しています。

歴史と用途: カランビットは、主に農作業や日常生活での道具として始まり、後に武器としての役割を担うようになりました。南東アジアの武術や自己防衛術で使われ、特にフィリピンのカリマンダン(フィリピンの武道)やシラット(マレーシア・インドネシアの武道)において重要な武器とされてきました。




[How to use Karambit] Dark ○ technique taught by Taku Sakaguchi who was fascinated by the movie “RE:BORN”!

A ‘karambit’ is a type of traditional weapon or knife originating in Southeast Asia, characterized by a characteristic curved blade and handle shape. Primarily used in cultures such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, karambit is sometimes used for martial arts and self-defense, but in modern times it is also popular for sports and collections. Below is a detailed description of the characteristics and historical background of Karambit. feature: Karambit has the following characteristics: Curved Blade: Karambit’s most distinctive feature is its curved blade. This allows for effective cutting and stabbing.

Ring-Shaped Handle: Karambit has a ring-shaped handle for your finger to pass through. By putting this ring through your finger and gripping it, the knife does not slip out of your hand and you can operate the blade more effectively. Dagger or Knife Size: Karambit is the size of a dagger or knife, making it suitable for portability and ease of use. History and uses: Karambit began primarily as a tool in farming and everyday life, later taking on a role as a weapon. It is used in martial arts and self-defense techniques in Southeast Asia, and has been an important weapon especially in the Philippines Kalimandan (Filipino martial arts) and Silat (Malaysian and Indonesian martial arts). In modern times, karambit is sometimes practiced as part of sports, training and self-defense. It is also collected by collectors and amateur enthusiasts because of its design and beauty.

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