[胸を掴まれた時] 坂口拓の師が教える“手首”のひねり方!女性も出来る簡単護身術!

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構造: 手首は複数の骨や関節、靱帯(じんたい)、筋肉で構成されています。主要な骨には、橈骨(とうこつ)と尺骨(しゃっこつ)が含まれます。これらの骨は前腕から延びてきて、手首で接合します。また、手首には8つの小さな手根骨(しゅこんこつ)も含まれており、これらが手の構造と安定性を支えています。

機能: 手首は、さまざまな動きや姿勢を可能にするために重要な役割を果たしています。

  1. 曲げと伸ばし: 手首は、手を曲げる(屈曲)動作と伸ばす(伸展)動作を行うことで、手の指や手のひらの位置を変えることができます。

  2. 回旋: 手首は、前腕の骨がねじれることによって、手のひらを上に向けたり下に向けたりする回旋運動を行うことができます。

  3. 支持: 手首は手の安定性を保ち、物を持つ、書く、操作するなどの活動を支援します。

怪我や注意事項: 手首は日常生活やスポーツ、仕事などで非常に多用されるため、怪我や過負荷のリスクが存在します。手首の捻挫、骨折、腱炎(けんえん)、腱鞘炎(けんしょうえん)などの問題が発生することがあります。適切な姿勢や運動、ケアを通じて手首の健康を維持することが重要です。



[When your chest is grabbed] Taku Sakaguchi’s teacher teaches you how to twist your “wrist”! Simple self-defense that women can do!

The wrist (neck) is the joint that connects the hand to the forearm (the part above the wrist) and includes the bones and tissues located near the wrist. The wrist plays an important role in controlling the movement and posture of the hand and performing various activities. The following describes wrist structure, function, and general related information. structure: The wrist is made up of multiple bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Major bones include the radius and ulna. These bones extend from the forearm and join at the wrist. The wrist also contains eight small carpal bones, which support the structure and stability of the hand. function: The wrist plays an important role in enabling various movements and postures.

Bending and Extending: The wrist can change the position of the fingers and palm of the hand by performing flexion (flexion) and extension (extension) motions. Rotation: The wrist can rotate the palm up and down by twisting the bones of the forearm. Support: The wrist stabilizes the hand and aids in activities such as holding, writing, and manipulating objects. Injuries and Precautions: Since the wrist is so heavily used in daily life, sports and work, there is a risk of injury and overload. Problems such as wrist sprains, fractures, tendonitis, and tendonitis can occur. It’s important to keep your wrist healthy through proper posture, exercise, and care. The wrist is an integral part of many activities in daily life. In order to prevent injury, it is important to keep in mind the correct usage, exercise, and appropriate stretching.

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