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  1. 身体的トレーニング: 戦闘者は、高い身体的コンディションを維持することが必要です。体力、筋力、持久力、柔軟性など、全身のトレーニングが行われます。有酸素運動、ウエイトトレーニング、エンデュランストレーニングなどが含まれます。

  2. 技術練習: 戦闘者は、特定の戦闘技術やスキルを習得するために技術練習を行います。格闘技や武道の場合、打撃技、関節技、投げ技などを学びます。また、銃火器の取り扱いや武器の技術練習も行われることがあります。

  3. 戦術と戦略: 戦闘者は、戦闘の戦術や戦略を学び、実践するための訓練も受けます。適切な位置取りや隠蔽、カバーを活用する方法、チームとの連携などが含まれます。

  4. 実戦的トレーニング: 戦闘者は、実戦に近い状況で訓練することが重要です。スパーリング、模擬戦闘、シミュレーション訓練などを通じて、実際の戦闘状況に対応する能力を養います。

  5. 精神的なトレーニング: 戦闘者の精神力は戦闘能力に大きな影響を与えます。ストレス管理、集中力の向上、冷静な判断力などを養うためのメンタルトレーニングが行われます。

  6. 戦術的情報の習得: 戦闘者は、現地の情報や敵の行動に関する情報を習得し、その情報を戦術に反映させる訓練を受けます。これには情報収集や分析能力の向上も含まれます。



[Next to death] What is the content of the twice-yearly “combatant training”?

Combatant training is a process aimed at improving physical health, technique, tactics, and mental strength. Combatants refer to individuals and teams operating in a variety of fields, including the military, police, special forces, martial arts athletes, and security personnel. Below are the elements of general combatant training. Physical Training: Fighters need to maintain a high level of physical condition. The whole body is trained in physical strength, strength, endurance and flexibility. This includes cardio, weight training, endurance training, and more. Skill Practice: Combatants undergo skill practice to master specific combat techniques and skills. For martial arts and martial arts, you will learn striking techniques, joint techniques, and throwing techniques. There may also be firearms handling and weapons skills training. Tactics and Strategy: Combatants are also trained to learn and practice combat tactics and strategies. This includes proper positioning and concealment, how to utilize cover, and working with your team.

Combat Training: It’s important for combatants to train in conditions that closely resemble real combat. Through sparring, simulated combat, simulation training, etc., you will develop the ability to respond to actual combat situations. Mental Training: A combatant’s mental strength has a great impact on their fighting ability. Mental training is provided to manage stress, improve concentration, and develop calm judgment. Acquisition of Tactical Intelligence: Combatants are trained to acquire information about local information and enemy actions, and to apply that information to their tactics. This includes improving information gathering and analysis capabilities. Combatant training varies according to their field of activity and goals. Training is generally focused on learning safety and appropriate techniques, improving physical and mental strength, and personal growth. Training programs are also evolving, incorporating the latest techniques and tactics to improve the abilities of combatants.

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