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頭部: 脳や顔、頭髪などが含まれる部分で、感覚器官(目、耳、鼻、口)が集中しています。
胴体: 胸部(胸腔)、腹部(腹腔)、腰部(腰腹)などから成る部分で、内臓や臓器が収められています。
上肢: 肩、腕、手、指などが含まれ、運動や操作、触覚などに関わります。
下肢: 腰から下の部分で、脚や足、つま先などがあり、歩行や移動、支持などに使用されます。
皮膚: 身体の外側を覆う皮膚は、体温の調節や外部からの刺激を感じる役割を果たします。
Can a karate world champion’s body withstand the impact of a 50kg Powerball?
“Body” refers to the flesh or body of a human being or an animal. This word is a general term that describes the structure, function, appearance, etc. of the body. The body is made up of various parts, each of which has a specific role or function. The body has several main parts or elements: Head: The part that contains the brain, face, hair, etc., and is where the sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth) are concentrated. Torso: The part that consists of the chest (thoracic cavity), abdomen (abdominal cavity), and lower back (lumbar abdomen), and contains the internal organs and organs.
Upper extremities: Includes shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, etc., involved in movement, manipulation, touch, etc. Lower extremities: The area below the waist, including the legs, feet, and toes, used for walking, locomotion, and support. Skin: The skin that covers the outside of the body is responsible for regulating body temperature and sensing external stimuli. The body has various functions and is indispensable for life activities and movements. Care such as health maintenance, exercise, nutrition, and sleep is important, and keeping it in an appropriate state is essential to support daily life and activities.