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  1. 芸術: 画家、音楽家、彫刻家など、芸術分野で優れた技術と創造力を持つ人を達人と呼びます。

  2. スポーツ: アスリートやコーチで、特定のスポーツで卓越した実力を持つ人が達人とされることがあります。

  3. 職人技: 木工、陶芸、鍛冶などの職人技において、高度な技術と熟練した手仕事を行う人が達人とされることがあります。

  4. 武道: 武道家や武術家で、格闘技や武道の分野で高いスキルや哲学を持つ人を達人と呼びます。



As a result of a 6th dan master of Aikido receiving the “Shin. Wave Punch”…

“Tatsujin” refers to a person who has advanced skills and knowledge in a specific field or technique and who demonstrates outstanding ability in that field. A master is someone who has acquired a high level of specialized knowledge and skills through experience and training in the field, and is able to put those skills to practical use. Masters often have a deep understanding, insight, and creativity in their field, rather than simply mastering a skill. They may discover new methods and approaches and contribute to the evolution and development of the field. Masters are found in many fields. for example: Arts: Masters are people who have great skill and creativity in the arts, such as painters, musicians, and sculptors.

Sports: Athletes and coaches who have demonstrated exceptional ability in a particular sport are sometimes considered masters. Craftsmanship: In craftsmanship such as woodworking, pottery, and blacksmithing, masters are sometimes considered to be those who are highly skilled and skilled with their hands. Martial Arts: A martial artist or practitioner of martial arts who has a high degree of skill and philosophy in the field of martial arts and martial arts is called a master. Masters are respected as beings with outstanding ability and character in their field, and they sometimes contribute to the guidance and enlightenment of the next generation.

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  1. 戦闘者に『刺股』渡したらもはや最強の武器に!?【刺股の使い方】

  2. 3人の中でパンチが1番強かったのは誰?空手世界王者が目隠しでパンチを受けます

  3. 120kg筋肉の鎧に「ウェイブパンチ」は浸透するのか?【ゴリマッチョVS暗殺術】

  4. 攻撃を無効化する「システマ 」に影武流のパンチ「鎧通し」は効くのか?

  5. 空手世界王者のボディは50kgのパワーボールの衝撃に耐えられるのか?

  6. 影武流×システマの技術を足したらウェイブパンチの破壊力が倍増しました!

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