渡嘉敷 勝男のパンチは今でも凄いのか?坂口拓が受けてみた!

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  1. ストレートパンチ: 直線的に前方に向かって放たれるパンチです。ジャブやストレートライトとも呼ばれます。正確さと速さが求められ、相手のガードを突破するのに効果的です。

  2. フックパンチ: 横方向に曲げた腕を使って相手の側面や顔を攻撃するパンチです。フックは相手のガードをかわすために使われることもあります。

  3. アッパーカット: 下から上方向に打ち上げるようなパンチで、相手の下顎や顔面に命中させることが多いです。相手のガードを突破しやすい特徴があります。

  4. オーバーハンド: 手を振り上げて真上から打ち落とすようなパンチで、相手の頭上を狙うことが多いです。効果的な場合、相手のガードを崩すことができます。

  5. ジャブ: 軽く打つことを目的とした、相手に対して手を伸ばす動作です。相手を牽制したり距離を測ったりするのに使われます。



Is Tokashiki Katsuo’s punch still amazing? Taku Sakaguchi tried it!

“Punch” refers to the act or technique of striking an opponent with a fist. Punches are considered to be one of the most important means of attack in many martial arts and sports. Powerful punches are used not only to damage the opponent, but also to turn the tide of the match or control the opponent. There are many different types of punches, the main ones being: Straight Punch: A punch that is thrown straight forward. Also known as a jab or straight right. Accuracy and speed are required, and it is effective in breaking through the opponent’s guard. Hook Punch: A punch that uses a laterally bent arm to strike the opponent’s side or face. Hooks can also be used to fend off an opponent’s guard.

Uppercut: A punch that shoots upward from the bottom, often hitting the opponent’s lower jaw or face. There is a feature that makes it easy to break through the opponent’s guard. Overhand: A punch that raises the hand and strikes it down from above, often aiming over the opponent’s head. When effective, it can break the opponent’s guard. Jab: Reaching out towards an opponent for the purpose of hitting lightly. It is used to restrain the opponent and measure the distance. Punching is important with proper form and technique. Professional boxers and martial artists often find success in honing their punching technique through training and using it tactically.

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