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  1. ボクシング: ボクシングでは、選手が相手の攻撃によって一時的に意識を失い、リング上に倒れる状態を「ダウン」と呼びます。レフェリーがカウントを行い、一定時間内に選手が立ち上がらない場合はノックアウト(KO)となり、試合が終了します。

  2. 総合格闘技(MMA): MMAでもボクシング同様に、選手が相手の攻撃によって倒れる状態を「ダウン」と表現します。ここでもレフェリーがカウントを行い、一定時間内に立ち上がらなければ試合が終了します。一部のMMAルールでは、倒れた選手に対する追加の攻撃が制限されることもあります。

  3. アメリカンフットボール: アメリカンフットボールでは、攻守の交代や試合の進行を示すために「ダウン」という言葉が使われます。攻撃側が一定のヤード数を進めなければならず、そのためにプレイごとに試合の進行が停止し、攻守交代が行われます。



Sakaguchi down with 3 former world boxing champions and “continuous Gachisupa”?

“Down” refers to the state in which a player loses consciousness due to an opponent’s attack during a sports or martial arts contest and falls to the surface of the ring, court, or other surface. The term is mainly used in boxing, mixed martial arts (MMA), and American football. Here are some examples: Boxing: In boxing, a fighter is called “down” when he is temporarily knocked unconscious by an opponent’s attack and falls on the ring. The referee counts, and if the fighter does not stand up within a certain period of time, it will be a knockout (KO) and the match will end.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA): In MMA, as in boxing, the term “down” is used to describe the state in which a fighter is knocked down by an opponent’s attack. The referee counts here as well, and the match ends if the player does not stand up within a certain period of time. Some MMA rules may also restrict additional attacks on fallen fighters. American Football: In American football, the word “down” is used to indicate a change of offense and defense or to indicate the progress of the game. Attackers must advance a certain number of yards, which causes the game to stop progressing after each play and take turns. Down is an important factor in sports and competition, and is considered a key moment that affects the condition of the player and the progress of the match.

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