【近接武術最強】詠春拳の達人から「木人椿 」で稽古をつけてもらいました!!

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[Strongest close-range martial arts] I was trained by a master of Wing Chun with “Mokujin Tsubaki”! !

“Mokuninchin” is a wooden doll used for training Japanese martial arts such as “Iaijutsu” and “Kenjutsu”. refers to Mokujin Tsubaki is a training tool intended to be used as a target for attacks when practicing katana and swordsmanship techniques, even in situations where there is no real opponent. Mokujin Tsubaki has a shape similar to that of a human, and can practice attacks and slashing with a wooden katana or sword. This will allow you to learn the correct angle and timing of your slashes and improve your technique. Mokujin Tsubaki has been widely used in Japanese martial arts such as Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu.

Mokujin Tsubaki is a substitute for practice with a real opponent in actual combat, and is used to improve the accuracy and speed of techniques. Mokujin-tsubaki are generally made of wood and are designed to withstand being struck by a katana or sword. Depending on the type and school of martial arts, the shape and usage of Mokujin-tsubaki may differ, but they are commonly used to improve technique and increase the effectiveness of practice.

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  1. 戦闘者が森で作る「木製ナイフ」 “ウッドスピア”がヤバ過ぎた!

  2. 『 隠密 』音も立てず”背後から締め落とす” 最も恐ろしいリアル暗殺術

  3. 【テレビ放送不可能】戦闘者の “ガチ訓練” を初公開

  4. 【ウエイブマスターvsウエイブ創始者】今年も戦ってみた!

  5. 【頭突き肘有り】”世界一危険な格闘技” 家族の為に戦う「戦士」と戦ったら惚れました。

  6. 3mの鞭で “音速超え”の『ソニックブーム』を出せるのか?

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