詠春拳vs戦闘術 “デンマーク最強の男” が教える「近距離最強武術」が強すぎた!!【前編】

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Wing Chun vs Combat Techniques “The strongest close-range martial arts” taught by “The Strongest Man in Denmark” was too strong! ! [Part 1]

Wing Chun is a branch of the traditional Chinese martial arts “Southern Shaolin”, and is one of the martial arts developed in the Guangdong and Fujian provinces. Wing Chun is known for its hands-on approach, with an emphasis on techniques that are particularly suited to short-range combat. Wing Chun encompasses a variety of techniques and principles, the most famous of which are the “King Chun Triangle” and “Mokujin?”. The Kangchun trinity is the basic form of Wing Chun and includes a variety of basic techniques. Mokujin? is a training tool for practicing batting using a wooden humanoid puppet.

Wing Chun incorporates techniques such as direct attacks, counterattacks, and the use of the opponent’s power, and emphasizes capturing the opponent’s movements and dealing with them effectively. Breathing, coordination of body movements, and balance are also important factors. In recent years, Wing Chun has become widely accepted not only as a martial art but also by those seeking health promotion and spiritual growth. Wing Chun is of interest to martial arts enthusiasts and martial arts researchers because of its historical background and unique technical system.


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  1. 戦闘者が森で作る「木製ナイフ」 “ウッドスピア”がヤバ過ぎた!

  2. 【頭突き肘有り】”世界一危険な格闘技” 家族の為に戦う「戦士」と戦ったら惚れました。

  3. 3mの鞭で “音速超え”の『ソニックブーム』を出せるのか?

  4. 【近接武術最強】詠春拳の達人から「木人椿 」で稽古をつけてもらいました!!

  5. 【ウエイブマスターvsウエイブ創始者】今年も戦ってみた!

  6. 『 隠密 』音も立てず”背後から締め落とす” 最も恐ろしいリアル暗殺術

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