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  1. 鉄の選別と準備: 刀の刃を作るための鋼(はがね)を選別し、熱処理のために準備します。異なる種類の鋼を組み合わせて刃の中心部(切れ味を担う部分)と背(刃の背にあたる部分)を作ります。

  2. 鍛錬: 鋼を加熱し、ハンマーやアンビルを使用して形を整えます。鍛錬には多くの工程が含まれ、刃の曲線や厚みを調整します。

  3. 刃の焼入れ: 刃を非常に高い温度に加熱し、急冷することで硬度を持たせます。この工程によって刃物の切れ味や耐久性が向上します。

  4. 淬火(焼き入れ): 刃を水や油に浸して急冷することで硬化させます。この工程で刃の硬度が確保されます。

  5. 打ち出し: 鍛造された刀の形を整えるために、ハンマーやアンビルを使用して刃物の形を調整します。

  6. 研ぎ: 刃を研ぐ工程で、刃物の切れ味を最終的に仕上げます。

  7. 柄の装着: 刃に柄を取り付けます。柄は木材で作られ、刃にしっかりと固定されます。



Apprenticed to 180 “swordsmiths” in Japan! I tried to make a “Japanese sword” [Part 1]

A swordsmith is a craftsman who specializes in making swords and knives. They use traditional techniques and processes to create beautiful and functional swords. The craftsmanship of swordsmiths is deeply rooted in Japanese history and culture, and the manufacturing process is so elaborate and complex that it can be called art. A swordsmith goes through the following steps in making a sword: Sorting and Preparing Iron: The steel (hagane) for making the blade of the sword is sorted and prepared for heat treatment. Different types of steel are combined to make the center of the blade (the part responsible for sharpness) and the spine (the part that corresponds to the spine of the blade). Forging: Steel is heated and shaped using hammers and anvils. Forging involves many processes to adjust the curve and thickness of the blade. Blade hardening: The blade is heated to a very high temperature and then rapidly cooled to give it hardness. This process improves the sharpness and durability of the blade.

Bonfire (Quenching): The blade is hardened by immersing it in water or oil and rapidly cooling it. This process ensures the hardness of the blade. Hammering: A hammer or anvil is used to shape the blade to shape the forged sword. Sharpening: The process of sharpening the blade that gives the blade its final sharpness. Attaching the handle: Attach the handle to the blade. The handle is made of wood and is firmly attached to the blade. While respecting traditional techniques and processes, swordsmiths sometimes create swords that meet modern needs and uses. Their skills and artistic sense create swords that perfectly blend beauty and functionality. Japanese swords are highly valued all over the world due to the hard work and skill of the swordsmiths.

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