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[Wave course] I tried to teach “Wave” thoroughly because the anti-entertainer was convex! !

“Anti-geinin” is a word that refers to people who take a critical stance against general comedians and comedians and deny their activities and humor. Anti-entertainers, as their name suggests, may have a different point of view and evaluation than the entertainers’ fans and supporters. They may have a cynical attitude toward the material and style of comedians, and may ridicule or criticize their activities and manzai. Anti-entertainers have different tastes and values ​​regarding humor and entertainment, so what one entertainer finds interesting may not be interesting to another. The existence of anti-entertainers is sometimes accepted as a kind of diversity in the world of comedy, and it shows that there are various viewpoints, including criticism and dissenting opinions.

However, anti-entertainers who slander or slander comedians may hurt others, so consideration is required. Differences of opinion and criticism are acceptable to some extent, but it is important to respect others and have constructive discussions.

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