波動”で「一升瓶」の底をブチ抜けるかを検証してみた!【危険 真似しないで下さい】

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑






I tried to verify whether the “Hado” can get through the bottom of the “Issho bottle”! [Danger, please do not imitate]

“Isshobin” is a type of container for storing and transporting alcoholic beverages and liquids in Japan. A large bottle that can hold approximately 1 sho (approximately 1.8 liters) of liquid. It is mainly used to pack liquids such as sake (liquor), shochu, and soy sauce. The issho bottle is widely used as a traditional Japanese container. In particular, 1.8-liter sake bottles are often seen in sake breweries, restaurants, and homes. At Japanese festivals and events, sake is sometimes served in 1.8 liter bottles.

In addition, isshobin is a tool that is often seen in the entertainment world and dramas, and is sometimes used for bottle-smashing and combat actions in confrontation and fight scenes. This is because of its size, weight, and hardness, it incorporates elements of dramatic production and action. The 1.8-liter bottle is an item that is deeply connected to Japanese culture and scenery, and is known as a symbol of the culture of sake and cuisine.

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  1. 戦闘者”と「木剣」で戦ったら… 3mぶっ飛び怪我しかけました!!

  2. イジメられていた幼少期”の話を初めて語りました!!

  3. 戦闘者”の”特殊訓練”を民間人が体験してみた!!PART①

  4. ジークンドーマスター「石井東吾」に”映画出演”をオファーしたら意外な答えが返ってきた?!

  5. 「朝倉 海」の弟子と「坂口 拓」の弟子が 戦ってみた!!【代理戦争勃発】

  6. 雑誌の取材中にジークンドーマスター “石井東吾”と”坂口拓”に襲い掛かってみた!!

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