【女優で最強】『つきみやひめな』坂口拓の弟子を 挑発 したら”めちゃくちゃ強かった!!

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑





[The strongest actress] When I provoked Taku Sakaguchi’s apprentice from “Tsukimiya Himena”, she said, “You were so strong!!

“Provocation” means doing something or saying something to provoke or evoke an emotion in another person. Provocations can be intended to provoke anger or reaction, but they can also cause discomfort or conflict. Provocations can come in many forms, not only in words and actions, but also in gestures, attitudes and facial expressions. The purpose of provocation is various, and there are various intentions such as to be amused, to show hostility, to check the reaction of the other party, to assert oneself.

Provocation can also be a problem. It can hurt the other person’s feelings and reactions, and in some cases can cause conflict and confrontation. Calm response and communication are important to avoid disputes and troubles. In addition, there are certain rules and manners for provocation, and it is important to respect the dignity and feelings of the other party.

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  1. 400vs1″ CRAZY SAMURAI (2021) 『狂武蔵』3月2日北米配信決定!!

  2. 戦闘者に”1番ヤバい武器”見せて!と言ったら【完全アウト】な武器でした!!

  3. 【煽り運転】戦闘者に”チンピラ”が絡んできたので返り討ちにしました!!

  4. ウェイブ創始者の突きで【”頭部強打”】記憶がぶっ飛び怪我しました!!

  5. 超ストイックな『亀梨和也』と ドラマの中でガチで戦ってみた!!

  6. 戦闘者と”ナイフ”を持ってガチで戦ってみた!!【ウェイブ創始者vsウェイブマスター】

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