握手で「首の骨」が “折れる” って本当なの?!【詳しくウェイブ解説】

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  1. 頭蓋骨(Craneum): 頭蓋骨は、頭部の骨であり、脳を保護します。頭蓋骨は顔面部と後頭部から成り立っており、頭部の形状を形成する骨です。

  2. 頸椎(Cervical Vertebrae): 首の骨は頚椎と呼ばれ、上半身と頭部を支える重要な役割を果たしています。一般的に「首の骨」という言葉が指すのはこの頚椎です。人間の頚椎は7つあり、それぞれが特定の動きを可能にする役割を果たしています。

  3. 仙骨(Sacrum): 仙骨は腰椎と連結し、脊柱を骨盤に結びつける役割を果たします。仙骨は5つの融合した骨から成り立っており、体の安定性を保つ重要な部位です。



Is it true that shaking hands “breaks” the bones in the neck? ! [Detailed wave commentary]

Since the expression “neck bone” is broad, it would be possible to provide a more detailed answer if you could provide more specific information. But we will discuss the major bones commonly associated with the neck. The neck is an important part that connects the head and body, and is made up of multiple bones and tissues. Major neck-related bones include: Craneum: The skull is the bone of the head that protects the brain. The skull consists of the face and the back of the head, the bones that form the shape of the head. Cervical Vertebrae: The bones in the neck, called the cervical spine, play an important role in supporting the upper body and head. The cervical vertebrae are commonly referred to as the “neck bones”. There are 7 cervical vertebrae in humans, and each one plays a role in enabling a specific movement.

Sacrum: The sacrum connects with the lumbar vertebrae and serves to connect the spinal column to the pelvis. The sacrum is made up of five fused bones and is an important part of maintaining stability of the body. The neck bones have a complex structure and are connected to the spine, skull, pelvis, etc. to support balance and movement of the body. Nerves and blood vessels pass through the bones of the neck, and they play an important role in influencing the functions of the body.

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