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My disciple attacked me saying that I could win with this, so I defeated him with a “pipe chair”!

A “pipe chair” is a chair made of metal pipes or steel pipes. These chairs are solid and durable, with an industrial design and minimalist look. Generally, it is often used outdoors, in cafes, restaurants, etc., but it can also be used as an interior accent. The pipe chair is functional and sturdy, yet simple in design, so it can be applied to various styles of spaces. It can also have a unique appearance and comfortable seating comfort, such as by adding colorful paint or adding cushions. On the other hand, since metal is the main material, it can feel cold when sitting for long periods of time, or it can feel stiff when there is no cushion. There are many types of pipe chairs available in the market, depending on your seating comfort and design preferences.


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  1. 報道されない”イラク”であった本当の話!!【日本人の強さとは!?】

  2. ②最強の国民的美少女!”吉本実憂”がバットを持った男とガチ対決!!【女性ウェイブ使い】

  3. 本人が語る『七人の秘書』の撮影現場で「殺意」剥き出す理由とは?!【テレ朝人気ドラマ裏側密着】

  4. 激ヤバな武器の数々 “ウェイブ創始者”の引っ越し先を初公開!【一部放送不可】

  5. 【暗闇でも最強】”フラッシュライト” スパーリング!!

  6. ウェイブ創始者”をバットで襲ってみた!!【朝倉海くんに教えた技を解説します!!】

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