『七人の秘書』YouTubeネタで “テレ朝の連ドラ” に出演してみた!!異質過ぎる坂口拓の裏側に密着!?

↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑




I tried appearing in “TV morning serial drama” with “Seven secretaries” YouTube material! ! Adhere to the backside of Taku Sakaguchi, who is too different! ?

“Seven Secretaries” is one of the common settings and plots used in Japanese TV dramas and movies. In this setting, the main character (usually a successful person such as a businessman or politician) may be surrounded by seven secretaries. In order to emphasize the busyness and importance of the main character, and because each secretary has different characteristics and skills, this is often used as a method to develop the story and enhance the charm of the character. However, the setting of “seven secretaries” is a fictional element, and such a form is not common in actual business or political settings. The secretaries used in the story often support the protagonist and play an important role in affecting their growth and progress of the story.


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  1. 元陸自特殊部隊【機密だらけの活動内容】民間人が聞けない質問を聞いてみた!?SATとSどちらが強い?!

  2. 剣術対決!誰も見たことのない活人剣とは?【殺傷目的の刀剣が人を生かすものとしてはたらくこと】

  3. 靴底を使った”カーフキック”!!「制圧」「逃げる」時に使える戦闘術!!

  4. 女性も使える”身を守る為”の最強護身グッズ!【暗器】めちゃくちゃ痛いのでご注意を!!

  5. 『激レアさんを連れてきた。』に出演!本編で見られなかった過激映像お見せします!【テレ朝 人気バラエティ】

  6. 危険すぎる”ナイフ術” 対決!ヤバ過ぎて放送自粛!!映画の為の鍛錬動画です【閲覧注意】

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