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[Extermination of demons] Taku Sakaguchi feeds the president with 30 kg of beans! !

In Japanese legends and folk beliefs, “oni extermination” refers to the activities and stories of exterminating evil beings such as demons and yokai. This originates from Japanese folk beliefs and folklore, and historically depicts demons as symbolic evil, and the theme of protecting goodness by overthrowing them. These stories have a lot of cultural value as they convey the meaning of courage and cooperation. The stories and images of demon extermination are reflected in Japanese festivals and events, one of the most famous of which is Setsubun. During Setsubun, throwing beans is said to drive away demons and bad luck. Also, in some areas, there is a custom of entering a house while saying, “Oni wa soto, fortune wa uchi.”

In addition, there are performing arts and literary works based on history and legends with the theme of demon extermination. These works are an important element in conveying traditional Japanese culture and values. However, demon extermination is a story in legends and folklore, and it is not considered as a reality. It is important to understand and enjoy the historical background and cultural implications.

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  1. 【外道の歌 原作者からの挑戦状】坂口拓漫画の技を再現します!!

  2. 坂口拓が子供達に銃デイザームを教えたら親も子供もドン引いた!!

  3. アメリカの刑務所で1番使われる武器!?を使った坂口拓の ”戦闘術” !

  4. 【実践講座】坂口拓が股関節を使った下半身ウェイブの極意を伝授!

  5. 坂口拓の師が語る! “戦闘者”とは!? “戦劇者”とは何なのか?

  6. 坂口拓の”カランビットナイフ”を使った戦闘術!撮影中に顔面怪我で流血騒ぎ!!

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