↑↑↑~Tap to watch Taku Sakaguchi’s video~↑↑↑
プリプロダクション: 番組の企画、脚本の執筆、出演者のキャスティングなど、番組制作の前段階で行われる準備作業です。制作スケジュールの立案や予算の調整もこの段階で行われます。
リハーサル: 出演者やスタッフが番組の内容や進行を確認し、収録や放送の前に演技や動きを練習する段階です。リハーサルは、スムーズな収録のために重要です。
セット準備: 番組のセットや舞台のデザイン、セットアップが行われます。セットデザイナーやスタッフが、番組の雰囲気やテーマに合った舞台を構築します。
収録: 実際の番組の撮影や収録が行われます。出演者がセリフを言ったり、演技をする一方、カメラマンやディレクターが映像を撮影します。
編集: 収録された映像や音声素材を編集し、最終的な番組を制作します。編集作業では、シーンの順序や特殊効果、音楽の追加などが行われます。
ポストプロダクション: 編集が終わった番組に、字幕やクレジットの追加、音声の調整などを行います。また、番組の検閲やチェックも行われます。
宣伝とプロモーション: 番組の放送前や放送後には、宣伝やプロモーション活動が行われます。広告、ティザー映像、インタビューなどを通じて、番組を視聴者に知らせる役割があります。
[Arashi Niyagare] Behind the scenes of the program! Taku Sakaguchi’s close-up video is self-restraint due to adult circumstances! ?
“Behind the scenes” refers to the processes and events that are invisible to the viewer in the production of media such as television and radio programs. Behind the scenes of the program includes preparations for production, actual recording, and staff activities. Here are some of the different elements that go on behind the scenes: Pre-production: Preparatory work before program production, such as program planning, script writing, and cast casting. Planning the production schedule and adjusting the budget are also done at this stage. Rehearsal: This is the stage where performers and staff confirm the content and progress of the program, and practice their acting and movements before recording and broadcasting. Rehearsals are important for a smooth recording. Set Preparation: Designing and setting up the set and stage for the show. Set designers and staff will build a stage that matches the atmosphere and theme of the program. Recording: Filming and recording of the actual program takes place. A cameraman or director shoots the footage while the performer speaks or acts.
Editing: Editing the recorded video and audio material to produce the final program. Editing tasks include scene ordering, special effects, and adding music. Post-production: Add subtitles, add credits, adjust audio, etc. for the edited show. The program is also censored and checked. Advertisement and Promotion: Advertisement and promotional activities take place before and after a program airs. It has the role of informing viewers about the program through advertisements, teaser videos, interviews, etc. Behind the scenes, many people work together to create the show. The production team, performers, and staff work together to provide viewers with enjoyable entertainment.