【二丁鎌】古代忍者が魅せる“戦闘術” !山口雄大監督作品❼完

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[Two Sickles] “Combat techniques” that ancient ninjas are fascinated by! Directed by Yudai Yamaguchi ❼ Completion

“Nichogama” is one of the Japanese weapons, and it is mainly used as a sickle, which is a farming tool. This weapon was used as part of armament and martial arts in rural areas. As you can see from the name “two sickle”, this weapon usually refers to the form with two sickles. In general, it is characterized by holding the sickle blade facing inward and fighting using unique techniques and movements.

The conversion of the sickle into a combat weapon, as a farming tool, is a phenomenon historically seen in Japan and elsewhere, and was done by rural people for self-defense and arming as needed. . Among the martial arts, there is a school and style called Gamajutsu, and the use and tactics of two sickles have been handed down. Kamajutsu has its own techniques and tactics that apply agricultural tools to battle, and has developed as a unique martial arts culture due to its unique shape and technique. However, although it is rarely used as a combat weapon in modern times, it is valued for its historical background and martial arts culture.

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  1. 【忌野清志郎風の主題歌⁈】自分の声にこだわる坂口拓が、まさかのモノマネ!?山口雄大監督作 8/9スタート‼️

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  3. 元自衛隊教官と坂口拓の師が教える “プロテクションミリタリー” とは!?

  4. 【ノート危険!】絶対にマネしないでください!坂口拓のノート活用術!

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