視界から消える「卍蹴り」躰道 “世界大会4連覇”の蹴りうけてみた!

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Disappearing from sight “Swastika kick” Taido “4th straight world championship” I tried kicking!

“Manji kick” is a kind of kicking technique in martial arts and martial arts, but because the character “manji” is associated, there is a possibility of cultural misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Here we provide a technical explanation and some cultural background. “Manji kick” is usually called “one kick” or “wanten kick” and is one of the kicking techniques. This technique is one of the names of certain kicking techniques, in which a kick is thrown at the opponent from the front, but the technical content and effects vary depending on the style of martial arts and martial arts used.

The swastika character may refer to a symbol called “Swastika” in Sanskrit. However, the symbol was misused by the Hitler regime of Nazi Germany to take on a broadly negative connotation. As such, this symbol has a historical background of being abused, so be careful. Given that we are sensitive to the meaning and historical context of words and symbols, it is important to use them in the right context. When asking questions about martial arts and martial arts techniques, focusing on the specifics of the technique or movement can help avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

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