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  1. 剣術: 影武流は、剣術(刀術)が主要な要素とされています。鍔迫りや構え、斬り技、突き技など、様々な剣技が含まれています。

  2. 体術: 影武流には体術も含まれており、体の柔軟性やバランスの取り方、相手を制御する技法などが練習されます。

  3. 武器の使い方: 影武流は、剣だけでなく棒術や鎖分銅(くさりぶんごう)などの武器の使い方も含まれることがあります。多様な武器を使って戦う技法を学ぶことができます。

  4. 心身の調和: 影武流では、心身の調和や集中力の向上も重要な要素とされています。精神的な側面や武道の哲学にも焦点が当てられます。

  5. 伝承と歴史: 影武流は、その起源や歴史について詳細は分かっていない部分もありますが、古くから伝えられてきた流派のひとつです。武道の伝統と技術を守りながら、後世に継承されてきました。



[Kagetake Ryu] Can a martial artist break the steel body of the K-1 champion? If you hit all the armor through, you will faint in agony! !

Kagebu-ryu is one of the ancient Japanese martial arts schools. Kagetake-ryu developed from the Sengoku period to the Edo period, and has been passed down as a style of martial arts that includes kenjutsu (sword arts) and taijutsu. Kagetake-ryu is said to have been established by integrating multiple schools and systems, and is known as one of the schools with a wide variety of techniques. The features and elements of the Kagetake style are described below: Kenjutsu: The main element of Kagetake is kenjutsu (sword arts). Various sword techniques are included, such as tsuba sashimi, stance, slashing, and thrusting. Taijutsu: Kagebu-ryu also includes taijutsu, which involves practicing body flexibility, balance, and techniques to control opponents.

Weapon usage: Kagetake-ryu may include not only swords but also weapon usage such as bōjutsu and kusari bungo. You can learn how to fight with various weapons. Harmony of mind and body: Harmony of mind and body and improvement of concentration are also important elements of Kagetake. There will also be a focus on spiritual aspects and martial arts philosophies. Tradition and history: Kagetake is one of the oldest schools of art, although some details about its origins and history are unknown. While preserving the traditions and techniques of martial arts, it has been passed down to future generations. Kagetake-ryu is one of the schools that reflects the diversity of Japanese martial arts and kobujutsu, and is considered worth learning for those who are interested in its history and techniques. However, since the contents differ for each school, it is important to learn from orthodox instructors and instructional groups when learning Kagetake.

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