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Is it true that if you use the ninja skill “Honekake”, you can nullify “Golden attacks”? [I tried kicking for 20 seconds]

“Honekake” is a term used in traditional Japanese martial arts and martial arts, and refers to the technique of using one’s own bones and body structure to fend off an opponent’s technique. It is a technique that reduces the effect of an attack by moving the body at an appropriate angle and position and using the bones to escape the opponent’s strength when attacked. The basic idea of ​​bone kake is not only the flexibility and smooth movement of the body, but also understanding the structure of the bones and utilizing them to effectively parry the opponent’s attacks. It requires precise timing and coordination of movements.

Honekake is part of the technique taught in martial arts and martial arts, mainly jiu-jitsu, aikido, kendo, and iaijutsu. Techniques and theories differ depending on the school and type, but in common they emphasize the use of body structure and movement to fend off the opponent’s attacks. “Honekake” is an important technique for defending yourself by parrying an opponent’s attack and seizing the opportunity to counterattack.

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  1. 空手世界王者の鋼鉄ボディに「ウエイブパンチ」は効くのか?

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